Dream Museum
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Take an audio tour of our spooky, virtual museum: a recount text complete with information on some fascinating historical artefacts.

This resource is a first person fictional recount of a dream-like, night-time visit to a spooky, ‘fantasy’ museum which features some exciting and famous exhibits. The children will be able to ‘walk’ along the corridors of this virtual museum, see the exhibits and read the labels as well as read and listen to the commentary. Some familiarity with the exhibits in the museum would be helpful.
Shared teaching and learning
Before reading
- Discuss the different aspects of any museum visits made – eg, entering through a large foyer, following different corridors to exhibits, walking into halls full of artefacts, spending a long time looking at something that interests them, using a guide map or book.
- Introduce the idea of the ‘dream museum’. What might be exhibited here? Why is it called a ‘dream museum’?
- What is a first person report? When is it used? List typical features in a checklist.
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Published 2 July 2009
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