Maths Ready-To-Progress Criteria – KS1

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Find resources to use with the Department for Education’s new ‘ready-to-progress’ criteria for mathematics.

In July 2020 the government published new guidance for teaching mathematics at key stages 1 and 2 to help pupils progress through the National Curriculum. We have suggested a range of resources that can be used to help children to meet the objectives in the criteria. Below are the Key Stage 1 objectives and resources. Find the Key Stage 2 objectives and resources here.

Year 1

Strand Objective Resource
Number and Place Value Count within 100, forwards and backwards, starting with any number.

Reason about the location of numbers to 20 within the linear number system, including comparing using < > and =
Quick Practice Maths – Number Sequences

What number’s next? – maths interactive whiteboard game

Quick Practice – Number and Place Value

100-square grid

Blank number line 1

Interactive number square

Interactive number line
Number Formation Develop fluency in addition and subtraction facts within 10.

Count forwards and backwards in multiples of 2, 5 and 10, up to 10 multiples, beginning with any multiple, and count forwards and backwards through the odd numbers.
Number balls – interactive whiteboard game

Interactive multiplication square

Interactive number square

Ladybird spots

Addition and Subtraction Compose numbers to 10 from 2 parts, and partition numbers to 10 into parts, including recognising odd and even numbers.

Read, write and interpret equations containing addition (+), subtraction (-) and equals (=) symbols, and relate additive expressions and equations to real-life contexts.
Addition and subtraction worksheet

Odds and evens

Sharing toys worksheet

Number sentences worksheet
Geometry Recognise common 2D and 3D shapes presented in different orientations, and know that rectangles, triangles, cuboids and pyramids are not always similar to one another.

Compose 2D and 3D shapes from smaller shapes to match an example, including manipulating shapes to place them in particular orientations.
Shape spotting cards

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