Ticktock Timebot challenge – interactive whiteboard game

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Interactive Flash

Play this fun game starring a robot called Ticktock Timebot to help children practise telling the time. Games can be differentiated to practise using digital and analogue clocks, as well as 12- and 24-hour clocks.

Downloading to a PC

Click the link to download this interactive to your computer. We suggest copying it from your downloads folder to your desktop for easy access. Double click the downloaded file to play the interactive.

Flash document


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  1. Pauline Shilston
    on 12 April 2011

    Ticktock Timebot fixes

    I have just been playing with this in preparation for next term and had prolems with 12 o'clock, 12.30 and in between hours.

    How is he getting on in the technical workshop?


  2. Paula @scholastic
    on 25 January 2011

    Ticktock Timebot fixes

    LindaB - thank you for your post. We'll get the Ticktock Timebot in the technical workshop so that he can undergo some minor adjustments.

    We'll let you know when he's back up to scratch.

  3. LindaB
    on 25 January 2011

    Ticktock Timebot challenge

    The robot told me that the hands were incorrect when they were not! Also, we teach the children that the hour hand is between two numbers other than when it is o'clock. Some refinements to the program maybe necessary.


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