Should the new curriculum feature set texts?

According to reports, the national curriculum review is considering issuing an approved list of writers that primary children should be introduced to ( read the full news story ). What are your thoughts?

  1. 9% said Yes! The more guidance provided, the better.
  2. 59% said A list of suggestions should be given, but they should be optional.
  3. 32% said No! The curriculum should only specify the types of fiction that should be covered.


Julie C said on 6 December 2012

I think it's best to include both elements of structure and flexibility.

Anonymous said on 18 February 2012

New books come on stream all the time

Miss T said on 3 June 2011

Teachers need the opportunity to be creative!

Andrew Hartshorn said on 15 May 2011

Suggestions are always good, choice is even better!