National Curriculum Tests
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National Curriculum tests (also known as SATs tests) are taken at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) and at the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6).
Children take tests in Maths, Reading and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling in May.
Schools report these test results as a scaled score for each subject.
What is a scaled score?
A scaled score converts a ‘raw score’ into a standard result that can be compared and is the same year-on-year. The raw score you need to achieve the national standard of 100 may vary year-on-year, but the standard of ‘100’ will be equivalent and comparable.
What is a raw score?
A raw score is the actual number of marks you get in a test, for example ‘38’ in 38/50.
While the test papers each year will be similar, there may be variations in the content or difficulty. This may mean that the raw score needed to achieve the national standard in a subject may change slightly each year. These slight variations make the comparison of results between years more difficult.
For the 2023 tests, the raw scores required to meet the national standard in each subject were as follows:
Mathematics Year 2
Has met the national standard: 35–60 marks
Mathematics Years 3–6
Has met the national standard: 56–110 marks
Reading Year 2
Has met the national standard: 25–40 marks
Reading Years 3–6
Has met the national standard: 24–50 marks
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Year 2
Has met the national standard: 23–40 marks
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Years 3–6
Has met the national standard: 36–70 marks
Converting to scaled scores
The scaled score conversion charts are published in June for Key Stage 1 and July for Key Stage 2 each year.
For Year 2 children, those who achieve a scaled score of 100–115 will have achieved the expected standard. Those who achieve a scaled score of 85–99 have not achieved the expected standard. Key Stage 1 Conversion Chart 2023
For Year 6 children, those who achieve a scaled score of 100–120 will have achieved the expected standard. Those who achieve a scaled score of 80–99 have not achieved the expected standard. Key Stage 2 Conversion Chart 2023
Further information
For more information on scaled scores, please see:
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Practice tests that meet the National Curriculum test specifications are available for purchase from
our website