Uganda part 1: The benefit of hugs

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By Michael O’Kaneretired primary teacher and Education Officer for HUG

Liz Humphreysformer occupational therapist and founder of Help for Children in Uganda

Over the next three months Michael and Liz describe life on a remote Ugandan island – an ideal resource for geography lessons

‘Help for Children in Uganda’ is a relatively new charity that has set up a ‘family home for children who have nowhere to go’, on the Ssese Islands in Lake Victoria. We have a main base, called HUG House (pictured below), where eight of the children live, attending nearby schools. Our main work is to support children in accessing education on the more remote islands.

Children carrying water cans back from the well

Children as young as six often have to walk a mile to collect water

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  1. irene
    on 9 January 2012


    the ugandas children need your help they need education and they need better homes to live in.the uganda children need a lot of help they can get to a better life and edcucation. some of the children are afraid of the evils because they think they are going to kill them if they don't do whatever they tell them to do and thats why they need their help