Trudging through the snow
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Shape poems provide the opportunity to focus on one subject in depth, using the senses, creating similes, and considering alliteration and powerful vocabulary. The results provide ideal material for display. This shape poem, by Moira Andrew, follows the patterns footprints might make in the snow. An actual footprint, perhaps from a wellington boot, would be useful for this lesson.

Shared learning and teaching
Before reading
- List the different poetry forms the children know – eg, acrostic, nursery rhymes, alphabet poems, prayers or limericks. Can they define what a shape poem is?
- Discuss the title. Why is trudging more effective than walking? Think of other synonyms for walking.
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Published 28 August 2008
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Judy Moore
on 10 January 2010
Excellent shape poem resource
Great ideas here, just what I need to help me prepare a unit of literacy in my creative weather topic. Thank you.