Top poets support Oxfam

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Michael Rosen at the recording at the Museum of Childhood

Some of Britain’s top children’s poets, including Michael Rosen and Roger McGough, have recorded poems for a CD to be sold in support of Oxfam.

Forty-one poets gave their time and their work freely in support of the charity, with twenty-two of the poets meeting at the Museum of Childhood in London to record their work.

Michael Rosen, Children’s Laureate, was one of the poets at the recording. He said: “What are we? A crowd of poets? A herd? A flock? A gaggle of poets? Whatever we are, Oxfam have assembled more poets who write for children than have ever been squeezed together in the history of the universe. The result will, without doubt, be a stunning display of dreams, fun, fantasy and reflection. Truly a historic moment for poets and listeners alike.”

The CD – Poems for Children – was edited by poet Judith Nicholls and Oxfam’s Poet in Residence, Todd Swift and is on sale priced at £4.99 in 150 Oxfam Bookshops around the country. The CD’s cover was created by 8-year-old Millie Smart from Wellesley Park School in Wellington Somerset, whose design was chosen from over 1000 entrants to a competition run by Oxfam. Other winning designs are shown inside the CD’s booklet.


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