The importance of peer and self assessment
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By Beverly Swainheadteacher of Harold Court Primary School, Havering

Headteacher, Beverly Swain, discusses how peer and self assessment are benefiting children at her school

Peer assessment

Assessment for Learning

When the past government introduced Assessment for Learning (AfL) it shaped the way in which children evaluate their own work and the work of others. Evaluation is an important academic and life skill; the ability to reflect upon work and achievements can help establish, through individual assessment targets, where children are in their learning process, where they need to go and how best to get there. Many schools are already committing themselves to developing strategies to promote and support this idea, motivating children to strive to obtain the highest standards of work that they can.

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  1. Cheryl Pelletier
    on 22 January 2014

    I'd like to know more!

    In Canada we have been talking about and implementing these ideas. As a teacher of kindergarten I find it difficult due to the age of the children. Hope to find more specifics about this success!