The Star Apple
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The Star Apple is an English fairy tale originating from Kendal Castle in Cumbria. It involves a princess who is imprisoned by an evil ogre. To escape, she has to solve this riddle: A golden box without a lid, and deep inside a star is hid.

These teachers’ notes accompany the story The Star Apple.
Shared teaching and learning
Before reading
- In small groups, discuss and list traditional fairy tales that involve princesses’ imprisonment, such as ‘Rapunzel’, ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and ‘Rumpelstiltskin’.
- Look out for adverbs: menacingly, defiantly, magically. Identify the suffix added to each adjective.
- Jot down the names of the varieties of apple that appear. Remind the children that the initial capital letters indicate that they are names.
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Published 26 February 2009
on 22 July 2011
Curious about the Star Apple..
I find myself curious about the Star Apple story, but I cannot find an original source for it. Did the author find it in a book?