Supporting Children in English – Ideas, Hints and Tips for Parents
  • Supports home learning

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By Fe Luton

Find out how you can help your child to progress in English.

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Having spent months home-schooling children, parents have developed a clearer understanding of their child’s strengths and areas to work on. While it is great to see children back in the classroom, many parents may wish to continue to support their children at home. In this series of articles, we set out suggestions for ways parents can reinforce work done in school and help support their child’s progress across all strands of the English curriculum.

This ‘Maths and English I Can Statements’ article from Scholastic sets out the end of year expectations for each year group – ‘expected’ is where schools are aiming for the majority of children to be working at by the end of each academic year. The categories of ‘emerging’ and ‘exceeding’ highlight the children who are working towards the expected standard, and those who are working beyond it, at greater depth. Parents may wish to refer to this article as they explore ways to support their child. Click on the relevant link below for practical tips on how you can help your child to progress.

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