Sports Zone
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The game can be used as a whole class shared activity to model the process, then used by small groups of two or three. The children do not compete, but work collaboratively to meet the deadline. The teacher can take on the role of editor to check and approve the writing for ‘publication’.
Playing the game
- The children should read the task instructions on page one, with support if necessary. To access the resources needed to assemble the report, use the ‘Click to open your computer files’ button.
- On page two there are nine pictures, three from each of the sports featured: water sports, equestrian events and athletics. The children should drag and drop the pictures onto the lines linked to the name of the appropriate sport. If they try to link the wrong picture to the sport, it will not be accepted.
- Once all the pictures have been correctly sorted, the children can choose one sport to write about. They do this by clicking onto the heading of the chosen sport.
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Published 1 May 2008
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