Spelling simplified: Visual and auditory learning
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Educational journalist, author and literacy specialist, Eileen Jones, offers a multi-sensory approach to teaching spelling

Don’t forget to check out the exciting interactive resource that will help your class practise their spelling
English spelling has rules — but numerous exceptions. So there is no magical secret to teaching spelling. Nevertheless, recognising that children learn in different ways will simplify it. In our new series, we’ll provide a multi-sensory approach to learning: visual (seeing) and auditory (hearing) this month; tactile (touching) and kinaesthetic (moving) in February 2010.
Begin with sounds. Set up a classroom spelling area, displaying written (graphemic) representations of vowel and consonant phonemes. Play regular sound-matching games as starter activities for literacy lessons. Encourage a positive attitude, the children supporting one another and regarding spelling as fun.
Published 21 December 2009
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