Rhythm and rhyme: Time to rhyme
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Introduce the children to simple phonics and phonemes with these fun rhyming activities

1 Rhyming pairs
Discover rhyme through simple matching games
EYFS Area of learning > Literacy > Word Reading
What you need
Group size: small groups.
Pairs of rhyming objects, for example, shell and bell, toy house and mouse; tray; ‘Rhyming pairs’ activity sheet.
What to do
Fill a tray with pairs of rhyming objects, such as a shell and a bell. Hold up two objects at random. Ask the children to say the names of the objects aloud. Do they sound the same or do they sound different? Discuss the meaning of rhyme with the children.
Invite a child to choose an object and find one that rhymes with it. Then, give each child a copy of the activity sheet and ask them to find pairs of rhyming words.
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Published 7 September 2009
Joyce Kamara
on 5 February 2012
Found it very useful. Thank you