Rainy day activities

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Never fear a rainy day again with our rainy day activity ideas!

Summertime in the UK can mean glorious sunshine or some very rainy days! When the weather does take a turn for the worst, use it to your advantage with these ten rainy day activity ideas (and some for straight after the rain has stopped!).

Boy looking out of a window

Have an indoor treasure hunt

Treasure hunts are always fun to follow! All you need is a small prize for the treasure, such as gold chocolate coins, and a print out of our Indoor treasure hunt sheet. Cut out the cards on the sheet. You will need to keep one card – this will be the first clue. The picture on that card will show the children where to hunt for the next card. Make sure you place a card in each of your chosen spots. Your final hidden card will show the picture of where you have hidden the treasure! This is a game that young children can set up, either for siblings or mum or dad.

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