RNIB launches Braille-themed teaching pack

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Sight loss charity, the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), is launching a special Braille-themed teaching pack for KS1 and 2 History, to celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of Louis Braille.

The ready-to-teach education pack will be sent out to 22,000 primary schools across the UK and will include information, lesson plans and literacy games themed around the life and work of the inventor of braille – the embossed type used by blind and partially sighted people for reading and writing. A pass-around braille card will also allow children to try out ‘real’ braille.

child reading braille

The pack also includes real-life stories about what it’s like to live with sight loss and the difference braille makes to the everyday lives of blind and partially sighted adults and children.

RNIB is encouraging schools to get involved in the bicentenary celebrations by taking part in a ‘Dotty Day’ – a fund-raising activity where children are asked to come to school wearing something spotty. The money raised will help the RNIB continue to produce and promote the use of braille.

Mandy White, RNIB’s Braille Bicentenary Co-ordinator said: “RNIB wants every primary school student in the country to have the opportunity to learn about the amazing story of Louis Braille and develop a better understanding of what it’s like to live with sight loss.

“Braille gives people the independence to manage their own lives, to read their own bills, to label everyday items, such as tins or packets of food, cleaning products, washing machine and cooker dials.

“Since its creation RNIB has been at the heart of braille and continues to champion the development of technology, giving braille users even more opportunity to take charge of their own lives. We hope lots of schools will take part in a ‘Dotty Day’ so their children can do more than just learn about the problems faced by blind and partially sighted people, they can make a difference by helping us raise fund to continue this vital work.”

The education and fundraising packs are free and will be sent out to 22,000 primary schools in late January 2009. Schools that don’t automatically receive a pack can request one by calling the RNIB’s supporter enquiry line on 0845 345 0054 or by emailing fundraising@rnib.org.uk. For more info about the Louis Braille Bicentenary celebrations visit www.rnib.org.uk/Braille.


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  1. AswadKannah
    on 23 May 2011

    Can't wait to get involved

    Hi - I am certainly delighted to discover this. great job!