Pupil enterprise
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Enterprise brings excitement and real-life contexts back into teaching and learning. Have a go and see how the children respond!

What is enterprise?
The definition of enterprising is “having or showing initiative and resourcefulness”. It’s all about being able to spot opportunities and then make the most of them. Any business is unlikely to be successful if they don’t have enterprising leaders to drive them. But how can enterprise work in schools for children?
Enterprise can be a specific project for the children in each year group to focus on as part of their creative curriculum. The children are involved in making decisions about a product or service to sell, performing market research, marketing, publishing and promoting and then selling their product or service to their chosen audience.
- promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of children at the school and of society
- prepares children at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
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Published 17 May 2019
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