Outdoor fun in May
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The month of May brings warmer weather and longer days, so go outside and make the most of what the outdoors has to offer
Mud aliens
With a group of children, dig up a clump of soil from your outdoor area. Check for any potentially harmful items in the soil and remove them. Encourage each child to take a small piece of the soil and mould it into the shape of an alien. Offer them a selection of berries, small sticks and stones to create features on their alien such as arms, legs, eyes and a tail, or let them look for their own. Ask the children to find a special place for their alien to shelter from the elements. This could be behind a drainpipe or in a small crack in a wall. Encourage the children to visit their alien regularly to see how it is getting on. Focus on safety and hand washing as integral aspects of this activity.
Published 7 April 2008
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