Outdoor fun in May

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By Rose Joyce — accredited trainer and facilitator at Learning through Landscapes

The month of May brings warmer weather and longer days, so go outside and make the most of what the outdoors has to offer

Mud aliens

With a group of children, dig up a clump of soil from your outdoor area. Check for any potentially harmful items in the soil and remove them. Encourage each child to take a small piece of the soil and mould it into the shape of an alien. Offer them a selection of berries, small sticks and stones to create features on their alien such as arms, legs, eyes and a tail, or let them look for their own. Ask the children to find a special place for their alien to shelter from the elements. This could be behind a drainpipe or in a small crack in a wall. Encourage the children to visit their alien regularly to see how it is getting on. Focus on safety and hand washing as integral aspects of this activity.

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