MFL: Teaching espanol — Year 3
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Introduce Spanish language to Year 3 with the help of a fun and comprehensive multi-resource

Introduce Spanish to your class
Lesson one
Year 3 (four x 15 minutes)
Learning outcomes: Understand and say numbers 0-10 with correct pronunciation; meet and establish common letter strings.
Framework objectives
Oracy – O3.2: To recognise and respond to sound patterns and words. Literacy – L3.2: To make links between some sounds, rhymes and spellings and read aloud familiar words.
You will need:
- Number cards +
- Pelmanism number cards +
- Individual pelmanism cards
- Individual letter strings +
- Number activity sheet +
- OHT of numbers +
- Bingo cards +
- Canta en español 1, Track 1: ‘Los números’ +, Track 2: ‘Los números (read)’ +
- Soft ball/cuddly toy
- Recommended resource: Early Start Spanish video/DVD – clip 6
- Adding and subtracting +
- Number activities +
- Number pelmanism. +
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Published 25 February 2008
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