Laying foundations for writing in the early years
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Mark-making opportunities help children discover the link between manipulating a mark-making implement and the marks it leaves behind. It is an early step in the process of identifying as a writer.

The 2021 EYFS framework references writing in two areas of learning. The Physical Development Fine Motor Skills ELG includes the goal of ‘hold(ing) a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing – using the tripod grip in almost all cases’, and the Literacy Writing ELG states that by the end of the foundation stage, children should be able to ‘write recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed’.
Incorporating writing preparation into play and exploration, rather than adopting formal approaches, is important for the early years. It is a time for learning through social interaction, movement and sensory experience – and this applies as much to writing preparation as the development of any other skill.
The following activities, resources and approaches each have a part to play in helping children along the path towards writing.
Muscle strength
The physical process of writing requires a high degree of arm, hand and finger control and muscle strength. Moulding and squeezing malleable materials (playdough, clay, slime) and making homemade bread are two popular activities that help to strengthen arm and hand muscles.
The pincer grip
The pincer movement (thumb and index finger) is crucial to the tripod pencil grip, referred to in the Physical Development Fine Motor Skills ELG. Encourage children to use and strengthen their pincer grip through activities such as:- using tweezers to pick up small items
- manipulating knobbed tray puzzles
- threading wooden beads
- simple sewing activities
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Published 1 November 2022
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