It’s Pancake Day!
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Pancake Day doesn’t have to involve mess and stress, take a look at these ideas for relaxing and having some fun!

Don’t worry if the thought of trying to fit in group after group of children making pancakes gives you that sinking feeling. Take a fresh look at Pancake Day with some fun activities inspired by the poem ‘The Pancake Maker’, written especially by Michael Rosen. Only one activity involves cooking – and in this one, you get the opportunity to join in the fun as you take on the role of fictional TV chef, Super Pancaker.
Pancake Day facts
- Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) is the day before the beginning of Lent.
- On Shrove Tuesday people traditionally use up eggs, milk and flour to make pancakes, before the beginning of Lent.
- According to Christian beliefs, Lent commemorates the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness. Christians may mark this by fasting or ‘giving up’ a particular food.
The Pancake Maker
English, Spoken Language: Ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and knowledge.
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Published 13 February 2017
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