High winds
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Get blown away by these windy activities

Blowing in the wind
On a windy day, ask the children to put on their coats and take them outside to experience the wind. Take a kite, a balloon on a string, paper streamers and windmills for the children to run around with. Encourage the children to run into the wind and then run the opposite way with the wind behind them. Talk about what the wind feels like.
Explain to the children that we cannot see the wind, but we can see what the wind is doing, for example, blowing leaves around.
Every day for a week, invite the children to hand wash some doll’s clothes and put them outside to dry on a washing line. Encourage the children to find out for themselves if the clothes will dry best on a rainy day or a windy day.
Large outdoor area; kite; balloon on a string; paper streamers; windmills; doll’s clothes, hand-washing powder; outdoor clothes line.
Bird wind toy
Make birds from craft materials to fly outdoors
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Published 20 August 2008
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