Golden Rules 5: We work hard
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These activities are based on The Handbook of Golden Rules and The Golden Rules Story Set
In the fifth article of our six-part series, Jenny Mosley shows you how to build confidence through hard work

The will to work hard stems from children’s belief that they have the ability to achieve and that the effort will be worth the reward. To make this effort, they need to feel good about themselves. People who feel good about themselves do not worry about what might go wrong; they bounce back from setbacks and are able to learn from failure.
When we are very young, our self-esteem comes from the feedback we receive from the adults around us. The children at your school will all be different, but they will already have some strong ideas about their capabilities. You, too, will make judgements based on your observations and interactions with them.
However, it is important to remember that ability is not a fixed thing – if someone is motivated and willing to persevere there is no end to what is possible. So, if you see a child who is nervous or demotivated, don’t write them off. They need you to change their beliefs and build their self-esteem. Make sure that you are there to encourage and reassure them without taking over. Young children tend to interpret too much assistance as an indication that they lack ability. Offer guidance, praise effort and persistence, but let them try hard on their own.
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Published 13 April 2009
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