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Chris Riddell is a man of many talents: illustrator, cartoonist, author and, with his groundbreaking new book, the saviour of children’s reading.
The talented Mr Riddell: his new book, Ottoline and the Yellow Cat, could revolutionise reading
To an outsider, Chris Riddell may seem a bit of an enigma. An award-winning children’s illustrator, The Observer’s political cartoonist, and the other half of an incredibly successful writing duo with Paul Stewart; it’s difficult to know what to make of the man before meeting him.
When we do meet, it’s in Riddell’s studio, a converted coach house at the bottom of his garden in Brighton. I find him armed with a paintbrush and hairdryer, hard at work on a characteristically quirky picture book, about a mouse who builds robots. He is, he tells me, ‘rather busy right now’.
Published 16 June 2008
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