Film and literacy: Stories about fantasy worlds

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By Karen Millerfreelance writer and editor of Film Street. Karen has a film blog

Captivate your class’ imagination with the first article in a new series of film-based literacy ideas


If a book is a text, the same is true of a film. A moving image can be ‘read’ in similar ways to a printed text. Responding to and analysing film enables children to develop comprehension skills and an understanding of story structure. It also helps them extend their vocabulary through the language of image, music and sound.

There are now several units in the Renewed Primary Framework for Literacy that call for the study of film or include filmmaking activities. In this and subsequent articles I will show you how easy it is to source free, relevant digital content, and use filmmaking to support your literacy teaching.

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  1. Becki
    on 22 January 2010

    Fantastic Looking Resource

    Can't wait to try this out on Monday, thank you.

    4 out of 5