Family matters
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Sue Cowley focuses on how to work positively and effectively with parents to help deal with their children’s behavioural issues
There are many reasons why parents might struggle to control their children’s behaviour. Some have it tough – single parents, families in the middle of a breakdown, children with special needs, and those living in an area of poverty, deprivation or crime. Even parents with a relatively ‘easy’ home situation are often under stress. When you spend long hours at work, it is hard to find quality time to spend with your family.

Speaking to parents about their child’s behaviour can be tricky
Managing behaviour in the home can be more difficult than it is in an early years setting. That emotional connection with your own children makes it hard to be firm with sanctions. The stresses and strains of daily life mean that consistency is often difficult. When you are in the middle of making the dinner, and the children start to play up, it is far easier to put them in front of the television than to deal with the problem.
As professionals working with children on a daily basis, we come to understand what works (routine, structure, clear expectations, a positive approach) and what doesn’t work (shouting, lack of consistency, negative attitudes). With all this knowledge, it is great if we can find ways to pass these strategies on to parents.
Speaking to parents about their child’s behaviour can be tricky. Even with sensitive handling, some will feel that they are being criticised for the way they bring up their children. This is especially so where parents are experiencing significant difficulties; they may feel completely ‘at sea’ because of the huge nature of their problems.
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Published 11 February 2008
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