Extract from ‘The Roar’
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The opening of The Roar by Emma Clayton (The Chicken House, 978-1-905294-63-3)

The sun was setting over the Atlantic and as it ran like molten gold into the waves, a girl in a Pod Fighter ripped through the scene, like graffiti sprayed across a landscape painting, and for a few startled moments, the sun and the sea trembled.
Ellie flew fast and low with her eyes fixed on the northern horizon. In the gunner’s seat behind her was a Capuchin monkey called Puck, whose brows fidgeted while he ate popcorn and admired the gun controls. Puck was glad to be out of his room with new things to look at. He didn’t know they were running away or how much danger they were in. But there was no doubt in Ellie’s mind; when Mal Gorman found out they were gone, he would want to slice them like Parma ham, then mince them to space dust.
Published 9 July 2008
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