Eco-island: Sky City activity 1
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To conduct a survey on means of travelling to school and represent findings on a pictogram.
Key Stage 1
Curriculum links: Ma2 5a, b; Geography 5a, b.
What to do: Ask every child and teacher taking part in the survey to say how they travel to school on the majority of mornings and keep a record of the findings. Encourage the children to predict the outcome of the survey before they plot the results. How do they think most people travel to school and why? When all the information has been collected, it needs to be displayed on a giant pictogram. Make this by cutting out images of cars, buses, bicycles and pedestrians, and sticking the images onto the graph. Agree with the children at the outset what one image represents on the graph. For example, one car image represents two people travelling by car.
Published 18 August 2008
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mikle garratt
on 6 January 2012
sky city
Sky city has loeds of cloeds