Dance dynamics: Jungle jive
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Join the king of the swingers and become jungle VIPS with this Jungle Book-inspired dance routine, says Kara Herbert

This is a contemporary dance routine for four- to seven-year-olds, inspired by the apes dancing in the classic Disney film, The Jungle Book. Teach the routine bit by bit, adding on a little section at a time, and practise with the music as you go.
You will need: large clean space, with appropriate flooring; CD player; ‘I Wanna Be Like You’ music from The Jungle Book; large pen and paper.
Before you begin
Ask the children to discuss their thoughts and imagery on the jungle theme. What might they find in the jungle? Use your pen and paper to note their ideas, and keep this displayed for them throughout the workshop. Encourage the children to demonstrate their ideas physically, putting actions to their words.
Warm up
It is always essential to get the children warmed up before they dance. Begin with an aerobic game then do some simple stretches, such as lunges and side stretches. A good game to warm up for this workshop is ‘Cat and Mouse’, although this time we’re going to call it ‘Ape and Chimp’!
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Published 18 May 2009
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