Cakes fit for a King
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This recipe for Maid of Honour cakes – an example of an instruction text – is believed to date back to Tudor times. The information text panel could stimulate discussion and further research into whether the cakes originated in the court of Henry VIII or Elizabeth I.

Shared teaching and learning
Before using the poster
- Discuss the children’s favourite recipes and TV chefs. What makes an effective recipe?
- Demonstrate a simple recipe – eg, for rice crispy cakes. Ask a volunteer to give you instructions to make the same thing. Do exactly what they say – eg, if they say ‘break an egg’, do just that. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of giving and following instructions communicated orally and how instructions need to be specific. Demonstrate writing the recipe, deciding on the most suitable language features – eg, the use of carefully chosen adjectives and adverbs.
- Show a TV clip of a chef making a dish. Download the recipe from the programme’s website and compare the differences.
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Published 3 July 2008
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