Book reviews from 4-7 years: Magic
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Disappearing rabbits, magical pigs and a donkey’s answer to Houdini – we review the latest magic books.

Zoë and the Wishing Star by Jane Andrews (Piccadilly, ISBN 9781853409875)
This is, apparently, the tenth book in the Zoë series, but a new one for my class. They were very taken with Zoë the fairy and her friend Pip, who live in the fairy garden (where else?) and do kind deeds with the minimum of fuss and bother.
Katie and Emma particularly loved the ‘creative patterns in some of the pictures’, which were ‘all multicoloured and going up and down – whoosh!’ They were also pleased with the helpful nature of the fairies, who managed to make several people happy at once when they received a wish via the beautiful, shining ‘Wishing Star’.
The whole class enjoyed the feel-good factor found in these pages. We will definitely be looking for the rest of this series, to find out whether Zoë and Pip are always so successful in their missions!
Published 13 April 2009
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