Beginner’s guide to school trips
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Thirty travel-sick children all want the loo, the coach driver has lost his way and Jemima has forgotten her packed lunch – sound familiar? Help is on its way…

The issue of school visits is very much in vogue at the moment – mainly because of the irrational fear about children’s safety outside of school. While this is important, it should not make you (or the children) too scared to ever venture out of school again. School trips are a valuable part of a child’s education, providing experiences that they will remember for the rest of their lives. After all, you can still remember your school trips, can’t you?
So the children love school trips, but what about the teacher? Even seasoned pros can dread organising these kind of events. They’re stressful. Very stressful. There are a million-and-one things to think about – things you might not consider when you’re travelling on the bus or tube on your own, but with 30 very excited children… well, that’s a whole different ball game. It won’t be easy.
Where to go?
Wherever your school is located, there will always be places of interest nearby. Word of mouth will help you to find the best place. If you live in or near a city, ‘the world is you oyster’. Some schools even take their classes abroad, though – from experience – don’t ever take 30 children on an aeroplane. It’s bad enough flying on your own, without several others being airsick and tapping you on the back of the head every two minutes.
Published 26 May 2008
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