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Take a trip to Africa where the children can explore rain dances, tie-dye and African landscapes

African tradition
Africa is a fascinating continent with vibrant colours, lively music and rhythms and exciting wildlife. Areas of Africa are very hot with mountains, rainforests, huge deserts and grasslands.
Africa is home to a wide range of different animals and birds, such as giraffes, elephants, lions, ostriches, zebras, antelopes, parrots and eagles, and interesting fruits and vegetables, such as mangoes, coconuts, yams and butternut squashes.
African homes vary from mud and dried straw baked huts in village communities to apartments and houses in large towns and cities. Traditional, brightly-coloured textiles with bold designs are worn by African women. Dancing to lively drum rhythms is a popular pastime. Many people are skilled artists who create jewellery and ornaments from clay and wood.
Suggested resources
Posters, pictures and photographs of African life; small-world African animals; role-play items such as African outfits; appropriate books such as Hot Hippo by Mwenye Hadithi (Hodder).
1 It’s raining, it’s pouring
Make up rain dances
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Published 6 October 2008
Stephen Grant
on 19 March 2011
Sorry, but I found it difficult to read much further after reading that Africa was a country! It's a continent made up of 53 countries.