See how our garden has grown
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By Sue Cowleyeducational author and keen gardener

Sue Cowley, Chairperson of Stanton Drew and Pensford Pre-school in Somerset, unveils their finished garden

Over the last couple of months, we have planned and constructed our garden area. With the build complete, we have been adding plants and using the garden to support our children’s learning. We have also organised a big celebration to thank everyone who got involved with our project.

Planning the pond

Safety cover for pond

We were keen to have a pond in our garden area, so we needed to think carefully about safety issues. Our garden will not only be used by pre-school children, it will also be accessible to the general public. After some online research, we decided to use a ‘DiamonDeck’ grid to cover the open water. We have put hinges on the grid so that it can be raised when the children want to look at the pond, and padlocked down when not in use. Then it was a case of setting the tadpoles free.

Planning the planting

Smell/scent bed

With the raised beds built, parents started to bring us donations of plants and seeds. The children were eager to get planting, so we drew up a plan to show where things should go. We decided on a ‘sensory’ theme for the planting and layout, with herbs to smell, crops to taste, leaves to stroke, wind chimes to hear and lots of colourful flowers to look at.

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