Get a free Year Planner and get growing!

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Growing Schools has produced a colourful and informative calendar-style year planner for the classroom. It’s available free, and schools can order a copy now, for delivery in January, from

The Growing Year Planner cover

The year planner is enlivened with inspirational photos, and packed with tips and advice to encourage outdoor learning through growing food in schools. Features include:

  • month-by-month reminders for what to do in the garden
  • suggested ways to use the growing experience for teaching and learning
  • seasonal recipes using produce from the garden
  • wildlife to look out for throughout the year
  • a detailed plot planner recommending when to sow, plant, prune, protect and harvest over 40 fruit and vegetables

Stocks are limited so make sure you register on Think Food and Farming for a schools newsletter and order your copy of the calendar now at

Growing Schools is a DCSF programme, managed by Farming and Countryside Education (FACE). For more information go to


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