It’s Pancake Day!

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By Brenda Whittle Adapted from original article , published 15 December 2008

Pancake Day doesn’t have to involve mess and stress, take a look at these ideas for relaxing and having some fun!

Child Education January -  Pancake Day

Don’t worry if the thought of trying to fit in group after group of children making pancakes gives you that sinking feeling. Take a fresh look at Pancake Day with some fun activities inspired by the poem ‘The Pancake Maker’, written especially by Michael Rosen. Only one activity involves cooking – and in this one, you get the opportunity to join in the fun as you take on the role of fictional TV chef, Super Pancaker.

Pancake Day facts

  • Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) is the day before the beginning of Lent.
  • On Shrove Tuesday people traditionally use up eggs, milk and flour to make pancakes, before the beginning of Lent.
  • According to Christian beliefs, Lent commemorates the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness. Christians may mark this by fasting or ‘giving up’ a particular food.

The Pancake Maker

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