Telling hidden stories: how introducing texts to young readers deepens independent reading comprehension with Richard Boxall

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This video is part of a series, Virtual CPD workshops to support your English curriculum.

In this session, originally broadcast on 12 Ocotober 2022, Richard Boxall explains how introducing texts to young readers can help to deepen independent reading comprehension.

The session will draw upon Daily Supported Reading practices which help pupils to express their opinions and responses whilst reading with increasing fluency and understanding. Designed to foster reading skills through daily independent reading, Daily Supported Reading encourages children to think on the run, and engage with the text by enjoying the sense of a story.

Daily Supported Reading is a whole class programme developed by Hackney Learning Trust that helps all children make accelerated progress in their reading. It is delivered initially to Year 1 pupils, then introduced into Reception, and for the lowest attaining children in Year 2 for maximum impact across a school. The programme provides a coherent and systematic approach where children enjoy daily independent reading in small groups led by a trained adult.

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