Celebrating parents and carers on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day
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Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are both wonderful opportunities to encourage children of all ages to reflect upon their gratitude for everything the people who care for them do.

children making celebration cards

Letters and emails sent out to parents from schools usually begin with ‘Dear parents and carers’, indicating that the school is fully aware that not all children are cared for by both or either of their biological parents. However, does every child walking out of the classroom door on a Friday afternoon with a ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ or ‘Happy Father’s Day’ card equally reflect that sensitivity? As we approach these reflective occasions, we, as teachers, need to make sure that we understand the parental dynamics of our class and implement our card-making activities accordingly.

Here are some activity ideas for making cards and gifts for all parents and carers on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day:
Early Years
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2

Early Years

Handprints and Footprints

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  1. Donjojag71
    on 8 March 2021

    Massive thanks!

    Everything here for a super lesson to thank parents and carers. Like the way it can be adapted to fit many of the different groupings that a family can be made from. Couldn't get access to early stages which was a shame but will definitely be using resources with older learners. Thank you again.

    5 out of 5