Angelic art
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Original article published 22 May 2008
Children often find angels awe-inspiring, so take this opportunity to make them a feature in your setting this Christmas

Explain to the children that angels deliver important messages to people. Can they think of any in the Christmas story? Discuss the importance of messages that are delivered by angels, for example, when the angel told Mary she would have Baby Jesus, and when the angel told the shepherds as they watched their flocks. Sing ‘Hark! The Herald Angels Sing’ together. Invite the children to bring in any books, poems and stories featuring angels to make a special angel book display. Ensure that the children know that angels can be boys as well as girls. Have the children heard of guardian angels? Do they know what they are?
Suggested resources
‘Christmas carols (2)’ activity sheet; books about angels and Christmas carols, for example, An Angel Just Like Me by Mary Hoffman (Frances Lincoln) and The Usbourne Book of Christmas Carols illustrated by Stephen Cartwright (Usborne Books); toys, pictures; sparkly, glittery and shiny dressing-up clothes; magic wands, wings, halos and so on.
1 Face of an angel
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Published 27 November 2018
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