Adverbs and adverbial phrases
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Adverbs and adverbials crop up everywhere in the National Curriculum, all the way through from Year 2 to the end of KS2. Why not brush up your adverbial skills with these handy activities and resources.

According to the National Curriculum (July 2014), children in Year 2 are expected to become familiar with the use of the –ly suffix to turn adjectives into adverbs.
In Year 3, they build on this foundation, adding the use of adverbs for time and cause, such as then, next, soon and therefore. Then, in Year 4, fronted adverbials are introduced alongside the use of the comma to separate them from the rest of the sentence.
By the time children reach the top end of Key Stage 2, the focus is on consolidating their use and understanding of adverbial phrases, using them to link ideas across and within paragraphs to ensure cohesion within their writing.
What are adverbs and adverbial phrases?
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Published 19 April 2016
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on 12 May 2021
Massive thanks!
Just what I needed for some learners learning English as a 2nd or 3rd language. Again, thank you so much.