Cross curricular: Creative topic – It’s all Greek to me
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Explore the gods and goddesses of the Ancient Greeks with this month’s creative topic
Falling in love, arguing with family members, casting out children and partying too hard… Not the latest episode of EastEnders, but the antics of the Greek gods and goddesses – the focus for this month’s creative topic. Read on for a range of exciting cross-curricular activities to help children explore the ideas and beliefs of the Ancient Greeks.
Mythology was central to Ancient Greek culture. Greek myths about gods, goddesses, heroes, heroines (not to mention fantastical monsters!) were used to explain the natural world. The Ancient Greeks believed that there was a god for every aspect of their lives and that these immortal gods controlled everything – so it was essential to keep them happy! Mount Olympus in northern Greece was believed to be the home of the gods and was often so cloudy that no one could see its summit.
As children research the Greek gods and goddesses, encourage them to use the information as the basis for making their own class database.
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Published 19 May 2008
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