Fairy tale maths
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Use classic fairy tales as a starting point for engaging Maths activities.

So accustomed are we to using fairy tales in Literacy work that we’d be forgiven for overlooking their potential for Maths. But take a fresh look at these tales, noting the references to measure, number, shape and space and you’ll be tempted to rethink this altogether!
The immediate benefit of using fairy tales as your Maths starting point is that the children will be instantly interested and intrigued – these stories should be so well-known to them by this stage that they’ll be motivated through the sheer familiarity and positive feelings that re-visiting the stories give them.
Jack and the Beanstalk
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Published 8 September 2014
Rated 4/5 from 1 rating
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Abi Cheetham
on 18 February 2015
Very helpful...
.. and gave some insightful ideas of how to include maths in our fairy tales topic.