Getting ready for change
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original article published 9 May 2011
Advice for creating a supportive framework for successful transition

In this article:
- Introduction
- The benefits of a smooth transition
- Key questions for practitioners
- Key skills for coping with change
- Planning for individual children
- Supporting the transition
- More online…
As the year speeds past, it is soon time for your older children to move on to the next phase in their education: starting in a Reception class. This is a time of mixed emotions for everyone. The children and their parents will feel both excited and anxious: excited about moving on to new challenges, but also concerned about what will be required of them in ‘big school’. Spare a thought, too, for your own emotional state, and that of your colleagues. When you’ve worked closely with a group of children for a time, saying goodbye is hard for you as well. Make sure you factor in some celebrations – a trip somewhere fun and an end of year party.
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Published 6 May 2018
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