The great outdoors

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By Lizzy CourtneyYear 1 teacher

Discover the cross-curricular learning possibilities in your school grounds and further afield

Boy and catterpillar

The ‘great outdoors’ offers children an inspiring environment teeming with ready-made resources – from buzzing bees to towering trees. Whatever your school’s outside space, there is great opportunity for cross-curricular learning outdoors. This topic invites children to take ownership of a section of their school grounds to encourage wildlife. As well as the expected links to science and geography, learning links are also made with D&T and literacy, and PSHE with the various opportunities for teamwork. Don’t forget to access the accompanying online resources that include a Poster and Activity sheets, as well as an exciting Interactive resource , ‘Find the habitats’ that features sound effects, videos and pop-up facts.


Key Stage 1

  1. Discovering the great outdoors
  2. Developing a wild patch
  3. Making a den
  4. Twitching!
  5. Natural portraits
  6. Bringing the great outdoors indoors
  7. Looking after the great outdoors
  8. Five things to do with a tree
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  1. Kirstin McCreadie Assistant Editor
    on 21 May 2010

    RE: National Curriculum Links

    Hi Polly101,

    I hope you find these Key Stage 1 links helpful.

    1. Discovering the Great Outdoors: Geog 1b, 2b, 1c, 2e; Sc2 1a
    2. Developing a Wild Patch: PSHE 5a, Sc2 5a
    3. Making a den: D&T 5c; En3 9d
    4. Twitching!: Ma2 5a
    6. Bringing the Great Outdoors indoors. En2 2a, c; En3 1c, 9a, 12, 5h; ICT 2a, 3b

  2. polly101
    on 20 May 2010

    national curriculum links

    Where would I find the links to the objectives from the national curriculum that are being covered in this topic? I

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