Student/NQT guide to… Parents
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We all have them, we all love them, but as every class teacher knows, some parents can make even the most diligent teachers reach for the brandy. Go teetotal with our handy survival guide
First things first – there is no blueprint for dealing with parents at school. Personalities and circumstances will always be changing: the key is to be adaptable, confident and a good communicator. Sound’s easy. But it isn’t. This is one part of school life that seems to be left to chance. Which is not very helpful when you’re facing down an angry parent accusing you of ‘downgrading’ their little precious.
I firmly believe that it’s very important to have a good relationship with the parents of the children you teach. After all, if they are placing the welfare of their child’s future in your hands it only makes sense that you should forge a strong link and work together to ensure the best for all concerned.
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Published 28 May 2008
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