It’s very dark!
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original article published 7 January 2008
Explore some of the exciting aspects of night-time and the dark

Activities in this article:
1. Dark area
2. Nocturnal animals
3. Who’s afraid of the dark?
4. Cave explorers
1 Dark area
Physical Development
Moving and Handling
Early learning goal: children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space.
What you need
Blankets; curtains; black paper; objects with different textures such as furry and plastic toys, metal spoon, wooden spoon, woollen hat or glove, cloth slipper; objects with distinctive smells such as bar of soap, pomander; objects with distinctive sounds such as tambourine, bell, maracas; safe, edible objects with distinctive textures, shapes and smells such as orange, apple, banana; extra adult help to supervise the children in the dark area.
What to do
Published 30 April 2018
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