Books on the theme of ‘Traditional stories with a twist’
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Take a peek at this month’s selection of books focusing on traditional tales with a twist

The Three Horrid Little Pigs and the Big Friendly Wolf by Liz Pichon
An adventure for the three horrid little pigs on every page. Help is at hand from the friendly wolf, but the pigs will not accept it. The ending has a lovely twist on the traditional story. The younger children enjoyed looking at the pictures and talking about what was happening in the story, while the older children found the prose exciting and wanted to join in with familiar words.
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Published 26 March 2008
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lauren bent
on 30 November 2012
the 3 billy goats stuff
a funny classical tale that has been alterd to the billy goats going to school and the troll is a bully and is gaurding a climbing frame not a bridge and dosent try to eat them but tries to eat there lunch but when the 3rd billy goat comes it turnes out that he is the new head master and he sends him to a new school where he is one of the smallests and probably gets bullyed his self