Bingo: Maths Tools Teacher Notes

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These notes can be used with the Bingo tool to practise 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables.

This tool is a colourful bingo machine. The user can select the times tables to focus on from the 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 8- and 10-times tables.

Bingo – interactive maths tool


  1. Key Stage One
  2. Lower Key Stage Two
  3. Upper Key Stage Two

How to Play

bingo card.png
  • Use the ‘Options’ icon and select the data set for the times tables you want to work with. Click ‘OK’.
  • Clicking the ‘Start’ button will set the coloured balls into action. The task can be paused at any time.
  • Clicking ‘Check grid’ will bring up the History screen so you can see if the answers are correct.
  • ‘Reset’ will start the process over again.
  • The activity can be played several ways:
    - by a child working individually;
    - by a pair of children answering alternately and keeping a record of their scores;
    - as a whole class or larger group activity (possibly displayed on an interactive whiteboard), with children marking off the answers on a bingo grid.
  • Answers can be called out verbally or written down for checking later. Written answers could also be recorded as an array.
  • Alternatively, you can play this more like a traditional game of bingo by drawing up some answer grids (one per child) with answers from the times tables data set you have chosen listed randomly on each grid. Each player has a grid and if a multiplication is displayed on the bingo machine to which they have the answer on their grid, they mark it off. The first to make a line or ‘full house’ then calls ‘Bingo!’.

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