Outdoor fun in November

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By Rose Joyceaccredited trainer and facilitator at Learning through Landscapes.

Original article published 6 October 2008

ICT isn’t just about computers, there are many opportunities to use and observe technology outdoors, so grab your coats and get out there

child playing with ball

Route planner

Explain to the children that the three bears have invited Goldilocks to a bonfire party at their house on 5 November, but Goldilocks doesn’t know how to get there. How will she find out? How will she remember the route when she does find out? Invite the children to think of solutions to the problem. Use their ideas, one of which will almost certainly be calling the bears on a mobile phone and talking through the route with them. Encourage the children to map Goldilocks’ route through the trees to the bears’ house. If possible, provide small whiteboards and pens for the children to draw the routes or large felt-tipped pens and cardboard or paper.

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