PE: Skating towards better health

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By Troy GerringPE Coordinator at Phoenix School in London

Discover how one school successfully extended their PE curriculum by adapting street sports

Boy on roller blades phoenix school

Skate this way for a 21st century PE curriculum

Encouraging children and young people to undertake more physical activity is becoming an increasingly important priority for schools. In the summer of 2007, Gordon Brown, said; ‘We need to put school sport back where it belongs, playing a central role in the school day’ – and the National Healthy Schools Programme is an initiative which aims to do just this.

The National Healthy Schools Programme is a joint Department of Health (DH) and Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) initiative which provides a broad framework for schools to support their children and young people to develop healthy lifestyles. Improving participation in physical activity is a major emphasis within the programme.

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